ModelRock Lash Play DIY Extension Sealer 5gmSealer is to be used in conjunction with the Lash BOND, sealer is to be used after the bond and after the DIY extension clusters have been added underneath your natural lashes, the sealer will remove any tackiness from the bond and also create a water-proof raincoat and keep lashes locked on.*3 - 5 day hold for DIY Extension Cluster lashes only* **NOT to be used with strip lashes***Lashes can stay on for 3 - 5 days (or longer) if treated with care and as every persons lashes are different results may vary*Check out our BLOG on HOW-TO do your own DIY Lashes *CLICK HERE* - https://www.modelrocklashes.com/blog/lashes/how-to-do-lash-extensions-at-home/